Herzog Law is a boutique law firm in Zurich specializing in inheritance law and litigation, with a broad expertise in cross-border matters.

Based on our extensive experience and specialization, we offer tailor-made advice and targeted representation in complex mandates with international aspects. HERZOG.law combines the cost efficiency and innovative strength of a specialized boutique with the experience gained from many years of working in an international commercial law firm.

HERZOG.law Logo

Our practice focuses on cross-border inheritance matters and all related areas of law (including corporate law, foundations, real estate) as well as litigation.

The following is a selection of our expertise:


Inheritance Law

  • National and international estate proceedings
  • National and international estate planning and settlement
  • Wills and inheritance contracts
  • Division of the estate
  • Estate administration, representation of heirs, executorships
  • Advice and representation in connection with trusts / structures
  • Intellectual property rights in the estate
  • Art in the estate

Matrimonial and Registered Partnership Property Law

  • Matrimonial property law planning
  • Prenuptial agreements
  • Cohabitation agreements
  • Registered partnership property agreement

Protection of Adults

  • Advance Care Directive
  • Living Wills
  • Powers of Attorney
  • Representation of persons under guardianship in Inheritance Law cases

Company succession

  • Advice of entrepreneurs and of their successors
  • Shareholder Agreements

Dispute Resolution

  • Advising and representing companies, private individuals and public authorities in national and international litigation, arbitration and administrative proceedings
  • Enforcement of foreign awards in Switzerland
  • International legal assistance
  • Interim legal protection
  • Litigation risk assessment
  • Guidance in case of threatening escalation of a legal dispute


Quality is important to us. If necessary, we work with external specialists. We have a large national and international network of experts (tax, fiduciary, criminal law, etc.).

Sabine Herzog
Dr. iur., LL.M. (Columbia University), Attorney at Law, Certified Specialist SBA (Swiss Bar Association) Inheritance Law

Sabine Herzog has been practicing as an attorney since 2005. After working at the District Court of Horgen and the Commercial Court of the Canton of Zurich, she worked for nine years as an attorney in the litigation team of Baker McKenzie in Zurich. In 2015, Sabine Herzog completed her doctorate at the University of Lucerne on the topic of trusts and Swiss inheritance law. In September 2017, she opened the law firm HERZOG SCHÄR AG, which has continued to operate under the name HERZOG.law AG since August 2022.

Sabine Herzog is an experienced litigator with extensive know-how in business law matters and a specialization in inheritance law (Certified Specialist SBA Inheritance Law). She advises clients in complex inheritance law matters with links to other areas of law (including corporate law, foundation law and trusts). Due to her many years of experience in an international business law firm, she has extensive experience in advising and representing in mandates embedded in an international context.

Professional Experience:

  • since 09/2017 Attorney at Law at HERZOG SCHÄR AG today HERZOG.law AG
  • 2008-2017 Attorney at Law at Baker McKenzie Zurich
  • 2007/2008 Law Clerk at the Commercial Court of the Canton of Zurich
  • 2005/2006 Associate at a small boutique law firm in Zurich
  • 2002-2005 Law Clerk at the District Court Horgen


  • 2017 Certified Specialist SBA (Swiss Bar Association) Inheritance Law
  • 2015 PhD (Dr. iur.), University of Lucerne, Switzerland
  • 2012 LL.M., Columbia University, New York, USA
  • 2005 Admission to the Zurich Bar (valid throughout Switzerland)
  • 2001 Master’s Degree (Lic. iur.), University of Zurich, Switzerland
  • 1998 Bachelor Degree (Licence en Droit), Université Paris X-Nanterre, Paris, France


  • German
  • English
  • French
  • Spanish

Selected Publications:

  • 2023

    Sabine Herzog, Nina Mattmüller, Auswirkungen des neuen Erbrechts auf das Familienrecht: Handlungs- und Beratungsbedarf in güter- und scheidungsrechtlicher Hinsicht, FamPra.ch 1/2023, 91 ff.

  • 2022

    Sabine Herzog, Werner Jahnel, Nachlassplanung, Praxisreihe Rechtsberatung, Erstberatung von Mandanten, Schulthess, Zürich 2022

  • 2020

    Sabine Herzog, BGer 5A_984/2018: Keine notwendige passive Streitgenossenschaft bei der Klage auf Ungültigkeit einer letztwillig verfügten Willensvollstreckung, AJP 5/2020, 638 ff.

  • 2019

    Sabine Herzog, BGE 4A_522/2018: Einschränkung des vertraglichen Auskunftsanspruchs der Erben, AJP 12/2019, 1345 ff.

  • Blogbeiträge bei swissblawg (ehemaliges Mitglied der Redaktion von swissblawg, www.swissblawg.ch)

  • 2018

    Sabine Herzog, Tücken rund um die Ausschlagungsvermutung von Art. 566 Abs. 2 ZGB, AJP/PJA 5/2018, 555 ff.

  • 2016

    Sabine Herzog, Trusts und schweizerisches Erbrecht, Einschränkungen bei der Anerkennung von Trusts aus der Perspektive des schweizerischen Erbrechts – unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von Pflichtteilen und deren prozessualer Durchsetzung, Luzerner Beiträge zur Rechtswissenschaft, Band 106, Zürich/Basel/Genf, 2016

  • 2016

    Sabine Herzog/Marin Michaels/Jacopo Crivellaro, The EU Succession Regulation and its impact for non-Member States and non-Member State nationals, Trust & Trustees, Vol. 22, No. 2, March 2016, p. 227 ff.

  • 2016

    Sabine Herzog/Jacopo Crivellaro/Basil Kirby, A rough Guide to the EU Succession Regulation, STEP Journal, February 2016, S. 69 ff.

  • 2015

    Sabine Herzog/Petra Hanselmann, Familieninterne Unternehmensnachfolge – gesellschaftsrechtliche Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten, in: Jürg Schmid (Hrsg.), Gesellschaftsrecht und Notar, Beiträge der Weiterbildungsseminare der Stiftung Schweizerisches Notariat vom 1. September 2015 in Zürich und vom 8. September 2015 in Lausanne, Zürich 2016, 287 ff.

  • 2010

    Kommentierung von Art. 285 bis Art. 294 ZPO, in: Baker & McKenzie Zürich (Hrsg.), Schweizerische Zivilprozessordnung (ZPO), Bern 2010

Selected Speeches:

  • 2023

    18th Swiss Succession Law Day, 31 August 2023, Vertrag zugunsten eines Dritten (von Todes wegen) und das Verschaffungsvermächtnis - ausgewählte Rechtsfragen

  • 2022

    Schulthess Forum Ehegüterrecht 2022, Alte Eheverträge, neues Erbrecht - Was ist zu tun?, Zürich, 7. Juli 2022

  • 2021

    TREUHAND SUISSE, Familien- und Erbrecht 2021, Verfahrensrechtliche Aspekte, Zürich, November 2021

  • 2021

    TREUHAND SUISSE, Familien- und Erbrecht 2021, Güter- und Erbrecht bei internationalen Sachverhalten, Zürich, November 2021

  • 2019

    TREUHAND SUISSE, Familien- und Erbrecht 2019, Verfahrensrechtliche Aspekte, Zürich, 6. November 2019

  • 2019

    TREUHAND SUISSE, Familien- und Erbrecht 2019, Güter- und Erbrecht bei internationalen Sachverhalten, Zürich, 13. November 2019

  • 2018

    TREUHAND FUNDIERT Familien- und Erbrecht 2018, Verfahrensrechtliche Aspekte, 7. November 2018

  • 2018

    TREUHAND FUNDIERT Familien- und Erbrecht 2018, Güter- und Erbrecht bei internationalen Sachverhalten, 14. November 2018

  • 2018

    Ausschlagung: ausgewählte Rechtsprobleme, St. Galler Erbrechtstag 2018, 6. Juni 2018

  • 2016

    Prozessuale Durchsetzung von Pflichtteilsansprüchen gegenüber Trusts aus Sicht des schweizerischen Erbrechts, St. Galler Erbrechtstag 2016, 29. Juni 2016

  • 2015

    Familieninterne Unternehmensnachfolge – gesellschaftsrechtliche Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten, Weiterbildungsseminare der Stiftung Schweizerisches Notariat vom 1. September 2015

  • 2016/2017

    Referate in der ganzen Schweiz zum Thema «Erbrechtliche Grundsätze und Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten» für Kunden eines Immobilienmaklers, 2016/2017

Martina Patricia Steiner
Dr. iur., Attorney at Law, Certified Specialist SBA (Swiss Bar Association) in Swiss employment law, Mediator

Martina Steiner works solution-oriented and client-driven. She has over 15 years experience in the legal profession and was admitted to the bar in 2010. Before practicing in law firms, she worked at cantonal courts and at a public prosecutor’s office, both as an attorney and a law clerk. In addition, she gained courtroom experience and exposure to common law jurisdiction as a participant in the European Lawyers’ Programme at the Faculty of Advocates in Edinburgh, Scotland. Prior to joining HERZOG.law AG, where she manages - amongst others - complex litigation cases, she worked for eight years as counsel and attorney in the litigation and employment teams (Co-Lead) of the international business law firm Baker McKenzie in Zurich. Martina Steiner’s doctoral thesis on civil procedural law, her postgraduate degrees in mediation and forensics and her specialization in employment law (Certified Specialist SBA Employment Law) complement her working experience. Clients also benefit from her experience as a part-time judge and deputy to the president and vice-president of the Commercial Court of the Canton of Aargau and as a part-time president of a first instance Court. Martina Steiner’s main area of expertise lies in dispute resolution. She regularly represents parties before Swiss courts and authorities, supports clients in pre-trial negotiations, advises on avoiding litigation or arbitration and provides counsel on improving clients’ positions in potential conflicts before courts and arbitral tribunals. Often this involves cross-border issues. In addition to litigation, she advises clients in all matters involving employment law in Switzerland. Martina Steiner’s experience of working for commercial law firms, state courts and prosecution authorities, as well as for the Wealth Planning-team of a major Swiss bank during her studies, gives her a deep insight into the dynamics of law and its commercial implications. She understands the needs and challenges of her clients and supports them in an efficient and expedient manner.

Professional Experience:

  • since 11/2023 Part-time Attorney at Law at HERZOG.law AG
  • since 11/2023 Part-time president at the first instance Court of the Canton of Nidwalden
  • since 01/2021 Part-time judge and deputy to the president and vice-president of the Commercial Court of the Canton of Aargau
  • 2015-2023 Counsel and Attorney at Law at Baker McKenzie Zurich and, in 2017, Baker McKenzie Geneva
  • 2010-2015 Attorney at Law and Law Clerk at the first instance Court of the Canton of Nidwalden
  • 2009-2010 Assistant Prosecutor at the Public Prosecutor’s Office of the Canton of Nidwalden
  • 2008-2009 Law Clerk at the Courts and the Public Prosecutor’s Office of the Canton of Nidwalden
  • 2008 Law Clerk/Trainee Lawyer at a law firm in the Canton of Obwalden


  • 2023 Certified Specialist SBA (Swiss Bar Association) in Swiss employment law
  • 2015 PhD (Dr. iur.), University of Lucerne, Switzerland
  • 2014 Postgraduate degree (CAS Mediation) in mediation and alternative dispute resolution mechanisms, Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Switzerland
  • 2012 Postgraduate degree (CAS Forensics) in the field of criminal law and criminal procedural law, Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Switzerland
  • 2010 Admission to the Bar (valid throughout Switzerland)
  • 2008 Master’s Degree with specialization in business law, University of Basel, Switzerland
  • 2007 Bachelor Degree, University of Basel, Switzerland


  • German
  • English
  • French

Selected Publications:

  • 2023

    Martina Steiner, Andreas Becker, "Arbeitsrecht", in: Wirtschaftsrecht 2023 Trends & Entwicklungen, Baker McKenzie [Hrsg.], Zürich/Basel/Genf 2023

  • 2022

    Martina Steiner, Julia Schieber, Kommentierte Musterklagen (3) für handelsgerichtliche Verfahren, Neuauflage Zürich 2022

  • 2022

    Martina Steiner, "Arbeitsrecht", in: Wirtschaftsrecht 2022 Trends & Entwicklungen, Baker McKenzie [Hrsg.], Zürich/Basel/Genf 2022

  • 2022

    Martina Steiner, Fabienne Bretscher, "Aktenschluss bei Äusserungsmöglichkeit in der Hauptverhandlung – Präzisierung der bisherigen Rechtsprechung", Kommentar zu BGE 147 III 475, in: dRSK, 26. Januar 2022

  • 2021

    Martina Steiner, "Die Lohngleichheitsanalyse – Durchführung und prozessuale Konsequenzen", in: Festschrift für Regina E. Aebi-Müller, Aspekte rechtlicher Nähebeziehungen, Zürich 2021, S. 249 –269

  • 2020

    Martina Steiner, Fabienne Bretscher, "Rechtsfolgen der örtlichen Unzuständigkeit der Schlichtungsbehörde", Kommentar zu BGE 146 III 265, in: dRSK, 27. Oktober 2020

  • 2020

    Martina Steiner, Fabienne Bretscher, "Der Grundsatz der Justizöffentlichkeit im Zivilprozess – Zur Tragweite des Grundsatzes nach dem Leitentscheid 146 I 30 des Bundesgerichts", in: Medialex 08/20, 7. Oktober 2020

  • 2020

    Martina Steiner, Fabienne Bretscher, "Ende der freiwilligen Maßnahmen – Per 1.7.2020 Inkrafttreten gesetzlicher Pflichten zur Einhaltung der Lohngleichheit in der Schweiz", in: Compliance aktuell, 14. Heft, Juni 2020

  • 2020

    Martina Steiner, Fabienne Bretscher, "Diskriminierende Lohnunterschiede", in: Recht relevant. für Compliance Officers, Ausgabe 3/2020, Juni 2020

  • 2020

    Martina Steiner, Fabienne Bretscher, "Der Grundsatz der Justizöffentlichkeit im Zivilprozess", in: «Justice – Justiz – Giustizia» 2020/2

  • 2019

    Martina Steiner, Fabienne Bretscher, "Vergleichsgespräche nicht vom Grundsatz der Justizöffentlichkeit erfasst", Kommentar zu BGE 146 I 30 zur Öffentlichkeit des Zivilverfahrens, in: dRSK, 5. Dezember 2019

  • 2018

    Martina Steiner, Fabienne Bretscher, "Zweimalige unbeschränkte Äusserungsmöglichkeit und Novenschranke – Kommentar zu BGE 144 III 67", in: dRSK, 30. Mai 2018

  • 2018

    Martina Steiner, Peter Reinert, Nadine Bosshard, "Schweiz: Compliance-Risiken im Arbeitsrecht – neue Tendenzen und Entscheide", in: Compliance aktuell, 8. Heft, April 2018

  • 2018

    Martina Steiner, Daniel Junginger, "Litigation Funding in Switzerland", in: Global Arbitration News Blog, 30. Januar 2018

  • 2015

    Martina Steiner, "Die Anweisung an die Schuldner", Dissertation, Luzerner Beiträge zur Rechtswissenschaft, Band 101, Zürich/Basel/Genf 2015

Julia Kofmehl
Bachelor of Arts HSG in Law

Julia Kofmehl is currently completing her Master in Law at the University of Zurich. She completed her Bachelor's degree in law at the University of St.Gallen (HSG). She has been working as a legal assistant at HERZOG.law AG since April 2024. Previously, she gained work experience as an assistant in the coaching and mentoring program of the University of St.Gallen and as a substitute teacher at a primary school.


  • since 02/2024 Master's program in Law at the University of Zurich
  • 2024 Bachelor of Arts HSG (B.A. HSG) in law
  • 2019 Matura


  • German
  • English

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Ownership/responsibility HERZOG.law AG Universitätstrasse 9 CH-8006 Zürich T +41 (043) 268 30 10 contact(at)herzog.law

Enterprise identification number «UID» from the Swiss Federal Statistical Office: CHE-371.894.643

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